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Congresswoman Leger Fernández Votes Against Republican Ripoff That Will Raise Costs and Rip Away Health Care from New Mexicans

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernández voted no on H. Con. Res. 14, the Republican budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2025, which would gut critical health care programs, slash education funding, raise costs for working families, and hand massive tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy and big corporations. The resolution passed by a vote of 217 to 215.

“Budgets reflect our values. This Republican budget makes it crystal clear: they value tax giveaways for billionaires over the well-being of working families,” said Congresswoman Leger Fernández. “New Mexicans rely on the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, funding for Head Start and Pell grants, and SNAP to stay healthy and put food on the table. This budget would take all of that away, forcing families to pay more for less while CEOs and big corporations line their pockets. I refuse to stand by while my constituents are forced to pay more for health care or risk losing coverage altogether. I refuse to let Trump take money from our schools. I refuse to let Republicans take food from the mouths of babies and seniors to fund tax breaks for the wealthy. New Mexicans deserve better, and I will always fight for them. That’s why I voted no.”

The extreme Republican budget proposal would have devastating consequences for New Mexico’s third Congressional district while giving away $4.5 trillion to CEOs, big corporations, and the wealthy.

Meanwhile, middle-class families would be left holding the bag. To pay for their giveaway to big corporations and the rich, Republicans will take away health care, increase the cost of essentials like food and housing, and decimate services working families count on.

Ripping Away Health Care

The Affordable Care Act

·         Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, tens of millions of Americans can afford high-quality health care. House Democrats built on the Affordable Care Act, delivering lower prices and expanding coverage.

·         Under the Republican budget plan, the 17,000 people who receive coverage under the Affordable Care Act in NM-03 would see their average premium go up by $1,090 per year — a 59% increase.

·         Many families would face even steeper consequences. A 60-year-old couple with a household income of $85,000 in NM-03 would see their health insurance costs increase by $12,238 per year — a 169% increase in premiums.


·         Nearly 80 million Americans receive health care through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, which provide critical care throughout all stages of life. Medicaid covers everything from childbirth to nursing home care and everything in between.

·         In NM-03, the 202,971 people on Medicaid are at risk of losing their health care under Republican budget plans.

·         This includes 92,227 children under the age of 19 and 17,240 seniors over 65 in NM-03.

Increasing Food Costs

  • With many American families struggling to put food on the table, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides critical support for over 40 million Americans, including children, seniors, veterans, and working parents.
  • Extreme Republican budget plans threaten the 55,080 people in NM-03 who count on SNAP to put food on the table.

More information HERE.

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